Intervention Programs

Differentiated learning programs planned at classroom level.

InitiaLit program (Reception - Year 2/3)

Students recieve 4 lessons per week. All students are assessed, then grouped according to their needs and work with class teacher, or specialist teacher to develop strong foundations that lead to reading and are based on the Big 6: oral language, phonological awareness and phonics for reading & spelling.

Heggerty Phonological & Phonemic Awareness program

Delivered to all students Reception – Year 2 as class-based literacy learning. Based on testing data, further small group intervention is provided by SSOs and Intervention teacher.

Targetted Intervention (Reception – Year 6)

Students who have been identified as SWD, EALD or ATSI sometimes qualitfy for additional support through the Department for Education verification and approval processes. These students will have a One Plan with specific aims and goals. They receive additional support from specialist teachers and SSOs based on recommendations from assessment reports.

MaqLit (Year 3-6)

Students are identified through Literacy data sets and then screened using the MaqLit assessment tool. Selected students receive small group targeted intervention: 3x 50min, max 5 per group.

QuickSmart (Year 4-6)

Students are identified through NAPLAN and PAT data results. They are provided 3 x 30 min lessons per week with an SSO to develop fluency through quick recall of number facts and the the 4 operations.


Respect Achievement Belonging Diversity